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20-Minute Full-Body Workout for Beginners

20-Minute Full-Body Workout for Beginners

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Expert Review By: Steven Cleark&

The article discusses the following:

  • The benefits of full-body workouts.
  • How to warm up for a full-body workout.
  • Different types of exercises to perform during a full-body workout.
  • Tips for succeeding in full-body workouts.

Full-body workouts are an excellent way of maintaining fitness without having to dedicate specific days of the week to specific muscle groups and body parts. Ordinarily, to effectively work out and maintain fitness in the entire body, you would have to spend equal amounts of time working out different muscle groups. However, if you do not have the time to dedicate specific days of the week to specific body parts and work on the entire body effectively, you can try full-body workouts. Doing a 20-minute full-body workout for beginners 5 days a week can help efficient muscle gain and fitness.

Benefits of Full-Body Workouts

20 minutes of full-body workouts provide both men and women with the following benefits, especially when done consistently:

  • Increased strength and muscle growth.
  • Enhanced cardiovascular health.
  • Efficient use of time.
  • Reduced risk of injury.

Components of a 20 min Full-body Workout

A 20 min full-body workout is divided into three main sections. For the first 5 minutes,  start by warming up your body to perform the exercises efficiently. Next, for 10 minutes, undertake a series of circuit exercises that target fitness in all muscle groups in the body. In the last 5 min, complete the exercise by performing cool-down exercises to relax.

1. Warmup (5 minutes)

The following are some of the exercises you can perform during your warm-up session.

Dynamic Stretching

Dynamic stretches are a series of exercises poised to loosen up your joints and prepare you for the rigorous fitness routines to follow. You can perform dynamic stretches by swinging your legs back and forth, rotating your arms at the elbows, and stretching your neck from side to side.

Light Cardiovascular Activity

Light cardiovascular activity helps you to increase your heart rate, supplying your muscles and tissues with the oxygen they need to perform rigorous exercises. Some good cardiovascular warmups include jogging and jumping or skipping rope.

2. Circuit Training (10 minutes)

Circuit training is a wholesome element of a full-body workout. It involves performing a series of exercises in a circuit, only taking short rests between them. It helps build your resistance and resilience while increasing explosiveness in working out. Some good circuit training exercises include the following. Remember, these exercises run in succession. Take a 20-second rest before proceeding to the next workout.

Squats and Lunges

Squats and lunges help your body work out the glutes, calves, and lower body. To perform a squat, extend your legs shoulder-width apart, and bring your body down, bending the knees while maintaining a straight back and chest. 

Lunges operate similarly. Extend one foot forward and bend the front foot at the knee while bringing the back foot down at 90 degrees. You can then alternate the feet to perform a walking motion. (10 reps on each side)


Pushups are efficient exercises for working on the triceps, biceps, and chest. To perform a pushup, first lie down, placing your arms below your shoulders. Lift your body with your arms ensuring that you maintain a straight back. The rep completes by pushing your body down once again. (10 reps in 2 sets)


Planks are another exercise that works on the upper body, the abs, and the obliques. To perform a plank, place your body in a pushup position. Instead of lifting your body using the palm of your hands as you would for a pushup, place your forearms below your shoulders and lift your body, ensuring that your arms, back, and upper body are completely straight. Hold this position for a predetermined amount of time. (1 min hold)


Burpees are the ultimate full-body workout as they involve a combination of exercises that work on nearly all the muscle groups in the body. To perform a burpee, drop down to a squat and throw your legs back into the plank position. Bring your legs back in front to a squat and jump, explosively spreading your legs as one would do in a star jump. Once on your feet, drop to a squat and perform the exercise for several reps. (10 reps on 2 sets)

3. Cool Down (5 minutes)

After a full-body workout, you must also cool down your body to avoid injuries and muscle strains. Some good cool-down exercises include the following.

Static Stretching

Stretches are also good cool-down exercises to maintain the flexibility of your joints and muscles and avoid post-workout soreness. To perform a static stretch, stretch out the different parts of your body and hold the position for a few seconds before letting go. Static stretches work well in regions such as the hamstrings, groin, neck, shoulders, and arms.

Breathing Exercises

Once you are done working out, you can lower your heart rate by performing a slight jog while maintaining control over your breath. You can control your breath by holding a deep inhale for a few seconds before letting it go as you jog. These breathing exercises are also excellent for relaxing and reducing post-workout stress.

Tips For Success

To achieve success in full-body workouts, follow the following tips:

  • Be consistent in your workout routine.
  • Always maintain proper form and learn an exercise well before increasing your reps.
  • Track your progress to monitor performance.
  • Get a workout partner for accountability when working out.


Many fitness professionals affirm that it is better to be consistent with short exercises than have sparsely distributed long workouts. As discussed above, a simple 20-minute full-body workout will be an excellent way to keep fit, from warmups to circuit exercises to a cool down.

Remember, since you can perform these exercises from the comfort of your home, you do not have to spend time and money going to the gym daily.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What equipment do I need for a full-body workout at home?

    At-home workouts hardly ever require any specialized equipment. You can perform all the exercises discussed above with ordinary items you can find in a home.

  • How many times per week should I do a full-body workout?

    The number of exercises to perform in a week depends on your resilience, physique, and endurance. Generally, a beginner would start with two days a week to build form, gradually increasing the intensity of the exercise as they get better form. An advanced person can work out daily, depending on their fitness needs and aims.

  • How long does it take to see results from a full-body workout routine?

    Results vary from person to person. To see the results of a full-body workout routine, you must consistently work out for at least a month.

  • How can I stay motivated to stick with a full-body workout routine?

    Fitness and motivation begin in the mind. To stay motivated, set and track your goals., get a workout buddy for accountability purposes, and reward yourself every time you achieve any of your goals.

  • How can I track my progress and make sure I am making gains?

    To track your progress, start by setting SMART goals, keep a record or journal of the number of reps you have taken every workout session, and use any fitness app to  periodically review your progress against your goals.

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